Sunday, September 11, 2011

No Jewelry Today

Every generation has something significant happen, and the people from that time will always remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they found out what was going on.  My parent's generation will always remember where they were when Kennedy was shot.  I think that I will always remember that moment at work when April came up to me and said I think we should exclude New York from calls, someone just told me that a plane flew into the towers at the WTC.   I had just been to New York for the first time in June of 2001.  I have pictures from the Statue of Liberty that show the towers, and the beauty of the NY coast line.  I think taking that trip made it much more real for me, thinking about how I had just been there.  I can't even imagine how much worse it was for people that actually lived there. 

I think of all the people that lost their lives that day.  The people that were at work, just as they were every work day, just as I do every work day.  The brave Police and Rescue workers that lost their lives, and all the other people that are still here, grieving and fighting to make a new life in spite of their loss.  Not just in New York and at the Pentagon, but also the brave people on Flight 93 that sacrificed their lives to prevent the plane they were on being used as a weapon.  The way the nation pulled together after the attacks made me so proud to be an American. 

Please take a moment as you go about your day to think of the victims and their families, and say a thank you to everyone that puts their life on the line each day to protect the citizens of this wonderful country. 

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